Together we can move mountains
Together life is also simply more fun.
Jiwa Events
Jiwa Garden Sessions
We’re inviting you to spend your Saturday morning at Jiwa Garden, to learn bits and pieces about permaculture, to meet like-minded people, mingle with expat and local communities, plant & harvest vegetables, prune trees or anything else that’s to be done in the gardens that day. Most importantly, you’ll get Your Dose of Dirt!
Every Saturday 9:00AM - 11:00AM

Community Market
Our monthly community markets showcase some of the most loved artisan local producers of many kinds. Regeneratively grown vegetables and fruit, lunch menus, organic coffee blends, bakery, homemade jams, nut butters & dips, flowers, local nuts & honey, fresh juices, tarot reading & jewelry... you name it, it's all there.

Jiwa Jam
What’s better than making and listening to live music out in the green? We bring the most talented and fun-loving musicians together for unforgettable evenings. It’s not about perfection here - bring your own instruments and compositions and have a go on stage, or simply listen to amazing live performances and spontaneous group gigs.
Food and drinks are taken care of too.

Vinyl Nights - Jiwa Sessions
If you enjoy some funky, jazzy and modern house tunes, like to move your hips and swing the dancing leg, Vinyl Nights at Jiwa are just for you. Some incredibly talented DJ friends of ours fell in love with the garden vibe and are turning our Bamboo Shala into a dancefloor once a month. It's magical and, truth be told, one of the best dance events you'll experience in Bali.
Community Learning
Community Learning
Our Community Classroom “Balai Belajar” (Indonesian for “Learning Hall”) was built with help from dozens of donors, supporters and volunteers. As the name says, it’s here to help a wide range of people to learn and develop.
Jiwa Garden hosts a number of workshops and courses around topics such as permaculture, gardening, composting and growing your own food.
Our team also welcomes groups from local public schools, homeschooling groups and other initiatives to emphasize the importance of youth being involved in regenerative agriculture.
Part of the profits that paid courses and workshops generate are reinvested into the community so that less fortunate local communities and public school groups can attend events at Jiwa Garden at no cost.
Bali needs its youth to tackle environmental issues such as soil and water health, food security and waste management from the ground up, and Jiwa Garden wants to be a catalyst for change and sustainable impact. Kids play the most important role in shaping the future, and we’re working hard to contribute to their awareness of the natural world and how to take good care of our environment.
Built almost entirely from Bamboo and second-hand roof tiles, with hands-on contributions from course participants, and financed by the wider community, this Community Classroom shall serve all of us.

Volunteers & Internships
There is always so much stuff to do. Without the community and our dedicated volunteers, we would not be where we are today. You’re looking to lend a helping hand, learn about gardening and permaculture and connect with other people? We offer options for internships and welcome volunteers who take initiative and responsibility for their work throughout the year!
Our Network
From the first days of establishing Jiwa Garden in November 2020, we were blown away by the support and openness of all kinds of organizations in Bali. Quickly we realized that when you’re dealing with the natural environment, building soil, taking better care of waste management , and building a community close to nature, that collaboration is the only way to go forward.
The more we can connect with like-minded organizations and individuals, the greater the impact. This is why we are beyond grateful to have established strong bonds with these inspiring partners:
Eco-Bali Recycling
Eco-Bali Recycling is operating their own sorting and material recovery facility (MRF) ensuring that all collected waste is properly managed and will not become a burden to Bali’s beautiful environment. Their focus is to maximize recycling, to reduce the quantity of waste to landfill and promote composting. Eco-Bali guarantees the disposal of the remaining residue only in legal facilities.
We’re inspired by Eco-Bali’s philosophy that “there is no such thing as waste” and their tireless efforts to tackle Bali’s growing waste issue since 2006. Eco-Bali contributes to Jiwa Garden through a sponsored garden plot, by taking care of all non-organic waste produced on-site and their incredibly rich wisdom and experience in recycling & taking care of our environment properly.
Astungkara Way
Astungkaraway is on a great mission to keep Bali’s ancient farming tradition sown into modern life, for generations to come. Through several programmes for local and international youth, Astungkaraway’s Regenerative Farming Learning Center in Subak Uma Lambing aims to accelerate the crucial transition to regenerative agriculture and tourism by co-creating with people, organisations and governments a viable model in Bali and expanding it from local to global. Regenerative agriculture is our most powerful tool for climate change mitigation, ecosystem regeneration and building community resilience.
Sandan Natural Farm
The young Balinese couple Ayu and Wahyu have returned to their home village up in the mountains in Baturiti during the global pandemic. Here, they have gotten back in touch with the history of farming in their own family and built a stunning regenerative farm on 17 are of ancestral land. Within less than a year, the two have turned previously unused land into a lush farming project that delivers incredibly fresh produce daily. From early on, Djuca has supported the inspiring establishment of Sandan Natural Farm with his expertise and passion to get Balinese youth involved in agriculture. Now, Jiwa Garden and Sandan exchange seeds, seedlings, fertilizers and knowledge whenever possible.
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Breathwork Bali
BreathworkBali deals with human well being in a way that most people are most likely not paying enough attention to : how we breathe. Clinical Breathwork is one of the most powerful modalities for creating balance and harmony in all systems of the body. It helps restore equilibrium between the body, mind, emotions and spirit.
Founder Edward Dangerfield has been one of Jiwa Garden’s earliest and greatest supporters, guiding us with his business experience, his love for permaculture and meaningful, personal impact. BreathworkBali has established two private treatment rooms for breathwork sessions at the garden and additionally contributes to Jiwa Garden through two sponsored garden plots.
Prasad Food Kitchen
Prasad has made it their mission to collect, prepare and share food, to people who are struggling to make ends meet. Receiving food donations and distributing it to people in need all over Bali is Prasad’s daily contribution to a better world.
Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 8AM - 12 PM Prasad is putting together up to 600 Nasi Bungkus packages and needs your help! Come join to help with preparing, packing and sending out food for people in need.
su-re.co is an environmental think-do-be tank based in Bali. As a Think-Tank with a scientific background and strategic planning, su-re.co undertakes research and consulting projects related to energy, land use, biogas, and livelihoods associated with climate change issues with international agencies. As a Do-Tank, su-re.co also develops business at grand by selling climate-smart products (i.e. su-re.coffee, su-re.cocoa, walnuts, vanilla) from local farmers in Bali and Bajawa – with a portion of the revenue given back to farmers in the form of free Biogas digesters and Climate Field School for farmers. As a Be-Tank, Su-re.co generates insight to help the public and private sector work hand-in-hand on tackling climate change through high-level discussion and sustainability training to all levels of participants (i.e. primary and college students, local and international organization, and government).
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